Copy BLOB (binary data) from one DB to second DB using script

I would go with generate script option in SQL Server Management Studio;

  1. Highlight source database that has the source table
  2. Right-click – Tasks | Generate Scripts
  3. Select source table under “Select specific database objects”. Click Next
  4. Click Advanced and under General options – Change ‘Type of data to script’ to “Data Only”
  5. Save to file.

I have tried a sample that store excel files as varbinary type. The output from scrpting process is ;

INSERT [dbo].[Document] ([DocumentId], [FileExtension], [FileName], [Doc_Content]) VALUES (N'3af2497c-a190-eb11-b1bb-000d3adde0a7', N'.xlsx', N'Sample-01.xlsx',  0x504B0304140006000800000021002FDCAF2EEC010000310D0000130008025B436F6E74656E745F54797065735D2E786D6C20A2040228A00002000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

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Author: Shahzad Khan

Software developer / Architect