Before the discourse of icon fonts vs SVGs, when browsers had non-existent CSS support, images were the only way for developers to showcase icons using the classic  tag. Here is an example of an image icon.

<a href="contact-us.html">
       <img loading="lazy" src="mail.jpg" alt="email" />

Icon fonts are vectors making them scalable to any resolution, still they are not free from snags. Using icon fonts can lead to the generation of multiple server requests and can also lead to invisible text flashing during the period when font libraries are still loading. If the browser for some reason does not comprehend the icon font, a blank space is displayed. This is the reason why a lot of developers prefer the latter in icon fonts vs SVG icons.

Verdict on Icon Fonts vs SVG Icons – File Size : As far as file size is concerned Icon font has a slight advantage over SVG. However the difference in file sizes is not that prominent and can be ignored.

Verdict on Icon Fonts vs SVG Icons – Accessibility: When it comes to accessibility, SVG is the clear winner.

Verdict on Icon Fonts vs SVG Icons – Performance: SVGs have a slight edge as Icon fonts are susceptible to occasional failures.

Verdict on Icon Fonts vs SVG Icons – Scalability : In terms of scalability, SVGs have a big advantage over Icon fonts.

Verdict on Icon Fonts vs SVG Icons – Animation : SVGs over a much higher degree of versatility as compared to Icon Fonts in terms of modifications and styling control.

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Author: Shahzad Khan

Software developer / Architect