If the requirement is to run dynamic query on each row, you might get inside Script comoponent. Here is how you can grab SQL connection and run your queries;
Your connection is defined here on script component;
Edit Script…
public class ScriptMain : UserComponent
IDTSConnectionManager100 connMgr;
SqlConnection sqlConn;
SqlDataReader sqlReader;
public override void AcquireConnections(object Transaction)
connMgr = this.Connections.MyConn;
sqlConn = (SqlConnection)connMgr.AcquireConnection(null);
public override void ReleaseConnections()
public override void PreExecute()
string KeyValue = Variables.vFileOutputString;
String vSqlStatement = "SELECT SqlStatement FROM [DataHub].[vw_LastStepForRglData] WHERE ADNumber = '" + KeyValue + "' ";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(vSqlStatement, sqlConn);
sqlReader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
public override void PostExecute()
public override void CreateNewOutputRows()
while (sqlReader.Read())
DynamicSqlBuffer.SqlStatement = sqlReader.GetString(0);
I ma using Dapper and SqlClient libraries ASP.NET Core and Console application to access data from Database.
SSIS application;
Here is how this will work in SQL Server Integration services;
ADO.NET Source
SELECT DocumentId, [FileName], [ContentType], [FileStreamCol]
FROM [dbo].[Document]
SC-Transform data
This is a SSIS Transformation script component. This prepares the data that will be used later on in Export Column task;
Here is the code block;
private byte[] fileContent = null;
private string fileExtension = String.Empty;
public override void Input0_ProcessInputRow(Input0Buffer Row)
//determine content type
switch (Row.ContentType)
case "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet":
case "application/vnd.ms-excel":
case "application/msexcel":
fileExtension = "xlsx";
case "application/vnd.ms-excel.sheet.macroEnabled.12":
fileExtension = "xlsm";
Row.fileContentName = String.Concat(Row.DocumentId, ".", fileExtension);
//A VB6 application saves excel files as BLOB objects. For download it subtracts one element from
//byte array. Following same dance here
var blobLength = Convert.ToInt32(Row.FileStreamCol.Length);
fileContent = Row.FileStreamCol.GetBlobData(0, blobLength - 1);
Derived column transform;
Export column settings;
Checking Force Truncate overwrites extracted files.
Need Bootstrap tabs, but with dynamic content? Use this JS to fetch the content before showing the tab. Works for in-content links as well.
//the reason for the odd-looking selector is to listen for the click event
// on links that don't even exist yet - i.e. are loaded from the server.
$('#tabs').on('click','.tablink,#prodTabs a',function (e) {
var url = $(this).attr("data-url");
if (typeof url !== "undefined") {
var pane = $(this), href = this.hash;
// ajax load from data-url
} else {