How To Update Raspberry Pi

Start by updating the list of repository packages:

sudo apt update

When this is done, run the update command:

sudo apt dist-upgrade

Follow any instructions and wait for the Pi update. When you’re done, type in:

sudo apt clean

This will delete unnecessary files that were uploaded during the update. Finish by restarting:

sudo reboot

When your Raspberry Pi is restarted, you will use the latest version of Raspbian.

For more info, read here

Hosting application targeting multiple framework

If the application is targeting multiple frameworks e.g. NET Core 2.1 and .NET Framework 4.6.1, you will need to install Hosting Bundle for it. Here is how;

Restart your IIS box.

Make sure App poll is using v4.0 of .NET CLR version.

This will also help to solve this error;

IIS: Handler “aspNetCore” has a bad module “AspNetCoreModuleV2” in its module list

Version of .Net Framework, IIS App Pool is using?

.Net Framework 4.5 was installed on my machine and on the IIS Application Pool, I set the .NET CLR version to 4.0.

The AppPool’s .NET CLR Version is different from the .NET Framework Version.

The AppPool’s .NET CLR Version is different from the .NET Framework Version.

The .NET CLR Version 4.0 is the CLR base for the following .NET Framework Versions:

  • 4
  • 4.5 (including 4.5.1 and 4.5.2)
  • 4.6 (including 4.6.1 and 4.6.2 Preview)

So having a .NET CLR Version of 4.0 just means you support the above Frameworks, which will run under their deployed framework version.


Here is a full mapping of CLR to .NET Framework versions, based off this official documentation.

CLR 1.0

.NET Framework 1.0

CLR 1.1

.NET Framework 1.1

CLR 2.0

.NET Framework 2.0

.NET Framework 3.0

.NET Framework 3.5


.NET Framework 4

.NET Framework 4.5

.NET Framework 4.5.1

.NET Framework 4.5.2

.NET Framework 4.6

.NET Framework 4.6.1

.NET Framework 4.6.2

.NET Framework 4.7

.NET Framework 4.7.1

.NET Framework 4.7.2

.NET Framework 4.8


What are progressive web apps? Best Progressive Web App list

Think of a responsive website and add native app functionalities to it. They’re developed with lightweight web technologies of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as speed is essential for conversions.

In 2022, internet traffic is split 38.6/59% between desktop and mobile. As 76% of customers expect a comparable product experience across channels, companies turn towards progressive web apps (PWAs) — advanced websites that provide app-like functionalities on mobile devices. 

Read more here

To get started, here are the links;