DB Schema and Permissions

If application doesn’t run and complains about permissions e.g. Execute permission, we need to check schema permissions; One of the reason, this happens when we restore database.

Suppose our user name is FMUser and dataase name is FMStoreDev. Under Login Properties of FM User – Security;

UNDER DATABASE -> USER -> SECURITY -> FMUser, CHECK THIS (in case SPROC does not run);

On Securables tab, click Search;

Select first option and click ok;

Click on object types and select schema;

Click on Browse and select your schema;

Select FM schema and grant execute permission to FMUser;

Since this is schema bound, go to securityàschema. Schema name should be your custom schema and owner should be dbo;

Click on Permissions tab. Make sure execute permission is selected for FM user;

These changes will help to solve database execute permission problem.

This is an alternative of remapping the users (to restore permission) after restoring DB;

USE FMStoreDev;  
EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Update_One', 'FMUser', 'FMUser';  
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Author: Shahzad Khan

Software developer / Architect