I love Bootstrap Icons. It has a large selection of quality icons and it’s open source so can be used for free (subject to license terms and conditions).
The simple way to use the icons on your website is to use the web font, but that means you are including all 1,800 plus icons (as of v1.10), albeit the file is a reasonable 120kb.
But using a free online tool, you can create your own web font with just the icons you need.
Press Import Icons (near top left of page) and select all of the icon SVG files that you want in your font.
You can either add files one at a time or you can select multiple files at once.
Once you proceed, your selected icons will appear as “Untitled Set”. You still need to highlight each of your icons to select them so that they get included in your custom web font. You can select one at a time or multiple select or select all.
Next step is to press Generate Font (bottom right of page). This will show details of your new font and expose a Download button so you can download a ZIP file containing what you need.
The ZIP file has style.css which you will need to include or better still, add to your HTML template or existing style sheet.
There is also a fonts folder which you will need to copy to your website as it contains the actual web font.
Lastly, there is demo.html which contains examples of how to include your chosen icons in your HTML.
The icon classes are named icon- and then the file name without extension. So you would typically use as follows:
<span class="icon-check2"></span>
To use these fonts in ASP.NET Core, Add them to wwwroot -> lib folder (create a new folder). Open _Layout.cshtml view in Shared folder and add this line in header;
With the release of Bootstrap Icons v1.10, there is now an easy-to-use web font. Here’s how you can use the new web font in your web pages.
Step 1 – Download the Bootstrap Icons files
Go to icons.getbootstrap.com and download the latest release. There is a download button at the top-right corner of the page.
Step 2 – Install the Bootstrap Icons files
To use the web font on your web site you will need to extract a few files from the ZIP file.
From the fonts folder you will need bootstrap-icons.css and the fonts folder (the one inside the first fonts folder) with the bootstrap-icons.woff and bootstrap-icons.woff2 files.
Copy the CSS file and fonts folder to your website. You can copy the files to your web root folder but typically you would copy them to a folder that contains your other CSS files.
Step 3 – Include the Bootstrap Icons CSS file in your web pages
To be able to use the fonts in your web pages you will need to include the bootstrap-icons CSS file in your HEAD section of your HTML. How this is done will vary on the type of website. If you have simple HTML pages then you would need to add this to each page where you want to use the web font. If you are using a content management system like WordPress then this can be done in a template. If you are not sure use Google to search for how to add a CSS file to your CMS.
To include the CSS file you would add something like this:
The key point of repair by youself is find the right glue.
as a display engineer, I aware of the most suitable fix method is TPU adhesive bonding, but it’s not easy to find heating tpu dispenser equipment, so I just want find the easy way to bond the screen.
The answer is A130 structure adhesive, you can find it in google, you can get one for 2 dollar.
The glue come with a needle, so you can easily apply to you frame of watch body. please make sure use a plasitic clip to apply force to body&screen for at least 3 hrs, now your screen secured!
Firstly I completely remove the residue of glue both on screen and frame.
secondly I use fine cotton swap (with small tip) wet by 99% alcohol to clean both surface of frame and screen
After 2 weeks I glued my watch face, today my sense detached it’s wristband on its own, the sense fall to the floor, it’s amazing the screen is still secured, that proves the fix for screen detached is successful!
Now we have to deal the second detaching problem, the wristband came off.
I carefully look into the structure of connection, find the root cause for wristband came off is due to the snap fit clearance is a bit large! so you can easly fixed it by stick a piece of paper with a self-adhesive on the connection area, just like below photo. that’s it!