There are 3 core services. This is the foundation of cloud; Every Azure service is built on one or all of these. for example, if we are learning Machine Learning, its a combination of Virtual Machine and Storage.
Virtual Machines
Windows or Linus OS. Can be created in few minutes. Can be remotely connected. Install whatever software you want.
Virtual Machine is a foundation on top of which other compute services provide service;
a) Azure Batch
b) Virtual Machine Scale Sets
It’s a way to have load-balancer where virtual machine are setup with some auto-scaling rules.
c) Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS)
Working on AKS cluster is basically working with VM. AKS is abstraction to underlying VM.
d) Service Fabric
A different paradigm to Virtual Machine is App Services.
1- App Services;
Web apps or container apps, Windows or Linux OS, fully-managed servers, no ability to remote control and others
Virtual Networking
Refer to this article.
a) Storage can be upto 5 pb, Storage types are Blobs, queues, tables, files – Various levels of replication including from local to global. Storage account charges are based on size of the storage (currently 1.8 cents per GB).
Storage tiers are hot, cool and archive