Peshawari Kheer

The recipe;

Peshawari Kheer

Basmati rice
Cake russ
Boil rice and mix Cake russ. grind both
Use full fat milk and boil
Add alachi
Add rice and cake mixture in boiled milk
Mix and stir for 15 minutes
Add sugar per your choice
Rabri koiha ya mawa. Stir and add
Add some dry fruits (Badam, Pista etc)
Add Rose water
When you see buble, means its ready
slow down flame
Put it in other post.
Add garnshing. you can use small pices of badam and pista
Keep it in room temperature for 30 minutes and put in fridge afterwards
Add Golden pata on it.
Ready and eat.

Here is video link;

Khoya Rabri recipe

Hope you will enjoy this.