Recently I had a problem where i need to search for;
SQL Server default behavior is to do case insensitive search. so if run a query like this;
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#FooTable') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #FooTable
INTO #FooTable
SELECT 1 AS Id, 'Foo' AS UserName
SELECT 2 As Id, 'foo' AS UserName
) x
I will get two records back.
To do a case sensitive search, do this;
FROM #FooTable
AND UserName = 'foo' COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS
Result would be;
For join operations, let’s create another table;
--Now add a second table, say salary
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#FooSalaryTable') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #FooSalaryTable
INTO #FooSalaryTable
SELECT 1 AS Id, 'Foo' AS FooId, 4000 AS UserSalary
SELECT 2 As Id, 'foo' As FoodId, 6000 AS UserSalary
) x
SELECT * FROM #FooSalaryTable
This is join query;
--example with join
x.UserName, y.UserSalary
FROM #FooTable x
JOIN #FooSalaryTable y on x.UserName = y.FooId COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS
AND x.UserName = 'foo' COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS
This article is for the basic process template. The hierarchy is Epic, Issue and Task. Each level in this hierarchy has a page. Keep in mind that page follows a 3 section layout, Detail, Planning and Related work.
Epic customization Click on three dots (…) on the right side in Epic.
This will show following page;
Click on New field. You will get to following page;
The frequently used fields are already listed in “Use an existing field” but if you want to create a new one, you can use “Create a field”. More important, on the left side of navigation, pay attention to Layout section. This is where you can decide where to store this field; left, center or right.
Some standard fields that can be used in these pages are;
Risk, Effort, Business Value, Start Date, Target Date, T-shirt sizing, Story points, Activity, Original Estimate, Remaining Work, Completed Work.
If you’re like me, the word “proxy” is an overloaded term. In different contexts, the word proxy means something different to different people. In this case, I’m talking about a server that’s an intermediary between the caller and the receiver of a networking call (usually HTTP or similar). Before you can understand a reverse proxy, let’s talk about forward proxies (or proxy servers, as you might be familiar with).
A proxy server is a server that takes requests and re-executes the call to the Internet (or intranet) on behalf of the original caller. This can be used for caching requests to improve speed of execution or for filtering content (as well as other reasons). In Figure 1, you can see a typical proxy server diagram.
Proxy server
A reverse proxy is very much like a proxy server, but, not too surprisingly, in reverse. Instead of intercepting calls going outside the Internet/intranet, a reverse proxy intercepts calls from the outside and forwards them to local servers. Often the proxy server is the only accessible server in this scenario. If you look at Figure 2, you can see that all calls come into the reverse proxy. Often the caller has no idea that there’s a reverse proxy.
Reverse proxy
Now that you have a general idea of what a reverse proxy is, let’s talk about the why of reverse proxies.
Do I Need a Reverse Proxy?
Many projects have no need for a reverse proxy. You should learn about them anyway, because it’s another arrow in your development quiver to use when you need it. The use-case for using a reverse proxy is fairly well defined. The reverse proxy can be used in microservice scenarios where you don’t want individual clients to know about the naming or topology of your data center.
Reverse proxies are not only helpful in those microservices projects. Here are some other reasons to use a reverse proxy:
Service gatekeeping
Load balancing
SSL termination
URL writing
Although you might want to use a reverse proxy for all of these reasons, you don’t need all of these services. Use a reverse proxy in the way your application works. You can use reverse proxies as a product (e.g., CloudFlare) or built into your own projects.
The most obvious use-case for many of you reading this article is to use a reverse proxy to provide an API gateway for microservices. A reverse proxy can expose a server that represents a single surface area for requests. The details of how the service is implemented and where the actual service resides are made opaque to the actual clients. This is what I call service aggregation. In this case, a reverse proxy is used to accept calls from clients and then pass them off to the underlying service (or cluster of services). This allows you to change the composition of the microservice without breaking clients.
Windows 98 had some tricks using ALT+some integer to add invisible characters. These are normally called Control Characters.
The control characters U+0000–U+001F and U+007F come from ASCII. Additionally, U+0080–U+009F were used in conjunction with ISO 8859 character sets (among others). They are specified in ISO 6429 and often referred to as C0 and C1 control codes respectively. Most of these characters play no explicit role in Unicode text handling. The characters U+0000 , U+0009 (HT), U+000A (LF), U+000D (CR), and U+0085 (CR+LF) are commonly used in text processing as formatting characters.
This is how we can identify and remove them in a string;
string input; // this is your input string
string output = new string(input.Where(c => !char.IsControl(c)).ToArray());
For testing,
Excel can be used.
Click on the Cell where you want to add character. Click Insert -> Symbols;
Select “Basic Latin” in Subset and add empty space;
This will add a special character in selected cell before or after the value depending on the position.
Notepad++ is another alternative and can be used to add special characters in a string.
Go to Edit > Character Panel to show the ASCII Insertion Panel.
Put the cursor where you want to insert the character.
Double-click the character (in the Character column) to insert.
For more info on NotePad++ special character handling, click here.
Answer: JSON objects are written as key/ value pairs
var Person = { "name" : "Amy", "Age" : 15 }
console.log(Person.Age); //Prints 15
Let us solve a problem using map method. We have a JSON object say “orders” with lot of keys like name, description, date, status. We need an array of orders whose status is delivered. This array of orders will have information about order name and order description only.