In the bad old days of desktop applications, every form object in the world had a Dirty property that let you easily check to see if the user had made any changes to the data on the form. It’s almost as easy with client-side code running in the Web browser, provided you use jQuery. This line finds every input tag and ties the tag’s change event to a JavaScript function called flagChanges:
Fonts are letters, numbers, and symbols designed using specific typefaces. They can apply to various design elements such as logos, headings, and body text. On the other hand, PNG (Portable Network Graphics) transparent designs are images with transparent backgrounds that can be layered over other graphics or backgrounds.
The main difference between font vs PNG transparent designs is their application. Font use to create typographic designs, while PNG transparent designs use for creating image-based designs with transparency.
Fonts are ideal for creating text-heavy designs, while PNG transparent designs are perfect for creating graphics with intricate details such as icons, logos, and illustrations.
Since fonts are letters, numbers and symbols so it is possible they can not be rendered in some UI components. The rendering experience is an empty space with alternate text only. For example;
If a component doesn’t support font then + and – symbol will be rendered without any styles.
In the world of modern web, icons have become an indelible and integral part of UI design. Read about Font and SVG (Scalable vector graphics) icons. majority of the web development community prefers to use SVG icons;
For treegrid debugging (If we want to see what is the layout file and how the data is structured, call the layout or data directly) http://localhost:5055/Finance/FileTableLayout?ProjectId=99
Sometimes we need to convert a column to row in JavaScript array. It might be helpful to pass it as web service argument, generating chart dynamically or to display data in more meaningful way. In this post, we will create a method which converts a specified column to row in JavaScript array like below:
function getPivotArray(dataArray, rowIndex, colIndex, dataIndex) {
//Code from
var result = {}, ret = [];
var newCols = [];
for (var i = 0; i < dataArray.length; i++) {
if (!result[dataArray[i][rowIndex]]) {
result[dataArray[i][rowIndex]] = {};
result[dataArray[i][rowIndex]][dataArray[i][colIndex]] = dataArray[i][dataIndex];
//To get column names
if (newCols.indexOf(dataArray[i][colIndex]) == -1) {
var item = [];
//Add Header Row
item.push.apply(item, newCols);
//Add content
for (var key in result) {
item = [];
for (var i = 0; i < newCols.length; i++) {
item.push(result[key][newCols[i]] || "-");
return ret;
In above method: dataArray: Array to be converted rowIndex: Index of column in array which is to be kept as first column colIndex: Index of column whose values to be converted as columns in the output array. dataIndex: Index of column whose values to be used as data (displayed in tabular/grid format).
The logic of method is simple. First it iterates the given array and create a result object of [rowIndex],[colIndex] = [dataIndex] format so that it can be fetched easily by using associative array like syntax. In the same iteration, we put unique values of colIndex in newCols array which will be used to create new columns. After this loop, we will get result object and newCols array. Now create a return array (ret), push newCols values for Header data and iterate result object, push values in ret object. Finally, ret variable will have the converted array.
Use this function to show HTML table;
function arrayToHTMLTable(myArray) {
var result = "<table border='1' cellpadding='7' cellspacing='0'>";
for (var i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++) {
result += "<tr>";
for (var j = 0; j < myArray[i].length; j++) {
result += "<td>" + myArray[i][j] + "</td>";
result += "</tr>";
result += "</table>";
return result;